
09.07.2022 Jesteburg - Ab 17.00 Uhr live im Cafe Alte Sägerei


Something Real | Paddy Korn | Genre: Contemporary R&B | Download


"…I (first) listened to the second track "Something Real" and was very pleased with what I heard. First I was quite surprised that we actually got that done in such a short time. It was so sultry then funky and at the same time quite gentle and sweet... Great track, and it just kept on going, and I kept on enjoying it... I really like this one… I feel you have something very special here, I hope it gets the attention it deserves…."
Pee Wee Ellis

"It was a pleasure working with Paddy. I think you can tell by how the music turned out what a great vibe there was in the studio.

The rhythm section of Catfish, Fred, Zev, and myself have worked together for many years on all kind of different recording sessions as well as playing together in my own band and I thought Paddy fit in with our groove beautifully!

I also love Paddy’s interpretations of my original songs. He was able to put his own personal stamp on them and bring out a different flavor to them that made them unique to this project. But the main thing I have to say is….. Everything Paddy and the band did was funky!!!!!!
Brian Mitchell

"Paddy my man, it was a blast playing the funky blues with you. You are one killer musician! The tracks we made are the like the funky love bomb! I hope there will be many gigs to come 'cause I'm ready! Your 'Boogie Down Bronx' brother fa' real! Headcrack!" - Alfredo 'Catfish' Alias "Thanks… for having me be a part of this very enjoyable project. Best wishes…
Zev Katz

"It was such a blast working with Paddy & everyone on the album. I was having so much fun, I wanted to keep going, I didn't want it to end."

Fred Walcott

